Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Grace in Small Things

1. My health, and finally feeling better after 2 and half days of the ickies!

2. Southern California (for the bloggers below)

3. The first blog I read EVER...Crazy Aunt Purl...She never fails to put a smile on my face..or tear in my eye

4. Ellen of L.A. is My Beat... A True Renaissance Woman (and expert at all things yarn!)

5. Woolanthropy...A fun gal, living life to it's fullest!

The three wonderful women above share their lives and their yarning and help me live in SoCal vicariously....

Visit Grace in Small Things


  1. I am happy I can represent SoCal proudly. Thank you for mentioning me on your blog.

  2. Glad you are feeling better.
    Sunny :)


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