Monday, August 10, 2009

Sultry Day in Texas

Thank goodness for Crepe Myrtle's a wonderfully blooming southern bush that flowers even though we are on over 50 days with 100+ heat and very little rain!

Hot, Hot, Hot
by Karen Lynn Vidra, The Texas Tornado

the heat shimmers forth,

eggs cookin' on the sidewalk,

this is texas heat.

Grace in Small Things 04/365

1. A clean, fresh smelling car with working air conditioning

2. Planning a Baby Shower for a good friend

3. Doggie Blogs that make me giggle

4. Slow Cookers

5. A fresh new week


  1. What a lovely plant. I really enjoy your blog.
    Sunny :)

  2. Hey Beth! Here you are. There was no forwarding address at your old blog and I had no idea where you were. Glad you stopped by because now I know where you are. The new blog looks nice and fresh.

  3. The Crepe Myrtles are beautiful, they must like the heat. I thought our week above 100 temps was bad but 50 days, that's real heat. I hope it cools off for you very soon and maybe a little rain as well.


Thanks for stopping by!

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