Monday, September 28, 2009

Fall in Texas

We don't get much color...but the sky sure is blue!!


  1. I would miss seeing all the colors. The worse part is having to rake!
    Sunny :)

  2. It's cloudy here in Houston. Wonderful lightening last night.

  3. Thanks Beth for stopping by my blog!! We live in Waco and have heard how bad it is at Lake Travis! We're going to see more rain here Thursday and Friday...I think Austin will be getting more as well!
    Stop by Anytime!!

  4. So very lovely
    It's turned chilly here in New York.

  5. We are beginning to see the first signs of color here in NC. The nights are getting cooler and I don't think it will be long now before it gets really pretty. Some rain here would be nice too. Our water is down but not as bad as there.

  6. I have never lived any place that didn't have the changing seasons. I can't imagine it. I want so much to visit Texas someday. The photo is beautiful.

    Anne and Sasha

  7. We are still green with just touches of color but the weather has turned cooler so it won't be much longer. Your deep green against a lovely blue sky makes for some pretty nice color.



Thanks for stopping by!